here we start off with us at starbucks ;)
we were on a bike ride and us girls had the most awesome!! idea,
and you probably know what that idea was!!!!! :D
that starbucks is the best!!!!!a nice outside.....thing,
were you can relaxe and enjoy your ice mocha!!!! :)
wanted me to take a pic of his
new hair cut,PRETTY COOL LEM!!!!!
Rachel!!!!!! she never gives up,she's just
bound and Determined that she's some how going to win!!!!:D

Vicy and Sarah,cheering us on!!!!!! :D
that's...that,well let's take a picture of the star players!! :D
Bye! every,one that's all for this post!!!! :D
bound and Determined that she's some how going to win!!!!:D
She was a bit undesided on that, so I guess she thought she would just leave it kind of in between! Really though, it was chilly for the first three days, then it warmed up to a nice temp: of 70 :)

and Mr. patato head
Lemuel was being very Creative :D
as you can seethere was a lot to choose from, they had lots of FUN!!!!!

Wow! Abby you're very good at those chin-ups !!!!!

the little ones loved coming here,and I can see why
there's so many toy's there to play with!!!!!! :)
putting faces on Mrs; potato head
my hero......I mean......there hero :P
they even had a COFFEE SHOP THERE,and I'll have to say,
they're right up there with STARBUCKS!!!!!!
here's a couple pics of the place we stayed in
Sorry Leah that thing is taller than you!!!!!! :(
Ummm.....your getting there Sarah,keep trying!:)
OH YEAH VOLLEYBALL!!!!!!these should be on top
because this is like the first thing we thought of doing
(of course!!!!!) ;)
the winner!!!!!!!(I thought I should just let them win):P
you do know I let her win don't you????
there's my team,the best team!!!!!!! :)
OH but I have more coming so look later! :) God bless you all
Thanks for the pictures Hannah! Those were fun.
I liked that one that you caught Sarah Jumping in the air. :-)
Oh, Hannah. I know how you must like these comments. So I will comment for you. what is with the addiction to starbucks?? ;)
Glad you had fun!
I agree with Andrew, are addicted! you need to go a few weeks drinking real coffee, just black.
Looks like you had a very good time but we are glad to have you guys back!(I think:)
I didn't get to comment until now. I was supposed to be first. ;)
Ryan, black coffee is disgusting. I cannot believe you want her to drink it. If you must drink coffee, it should be worth drinking. :)
Hannah, the pictures are so cool! You even added words to go with them, it must've taken you all night. :P
^ Notice the :P, Ryan. Delete that. :P
Vacation? You took a vacation? I didn't even notice you were gone! :)
Amen!! J.J.
that is exatly what I've been trying to tell him!
Black coffee is discusting! :P
oh very funny! Joel! HAHA!!!
I'm laughing out loud! :) joke
I'm looking farward to seeing all of you Sunday, yes even you Joel!
I will educate all of you Sunday, in the art of coffee.
p.s. can't wait to see everyone!!
Yeah, a Class on Awful-Tasting Coffee. :)
But yes, I hoping to (it isn't 100% yet ;), and can't wait to see everyone. ;)
Oh by the way!!! I won that arm wrestling, if anyone is entrusted. ;D
great photos
Love the pics, Hannah!
Ya'll were SO close to TX! You should have scooted across the Gulf and stopped in! ;)
Looks like the Heyworths had another fabulous vacation...complete with lots of coffee....
Family vacations are such fun!
Miss you lots!
P.S. Congrats on winning the arm wrestling, Leah! I knew cello practice was good for something besides beautiful music :)
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