(these pictures are all out of order) :P
Ryan and Rache, saying their looonnngg goodbyes! :P :)
I don't know what he's doing here! :P :D
Hehe! Charity! :)
watching on the kids!! :)
Group picture!! :D
Abby, Victoria, Sarah, Lemuel,
Pictures from Sunday!
lol! yep thats my daddy!! :D
Abby Audery and Elizabeth!!
(kind of a dark picture!) :P
lol! Kevin!!! :D
haha, nice try Charity!
Pictures from skiing
Katie and Amy!! :D
Lunch time!
Abby and Amy!
Ryan and Rachy going up on the lift!
Leah!! :D
Abby and Amy!! =D
Katie!!! =D
Macaryan and Rae!! :P :D